Monthly Creative Prompts!
Sign up to receive short and sometimes (okay, okay, often) absurd creative story prompts to your inbox once a month. I’ll include reading/writing/drawing recommendations, the occasional announcement, and other neat, mysterious, as yet to be determined things.
Who is this for?
I’m a writer and an illustrator, so that means I work in words and pictures. I like to call these exercises “low stakes creativity,” which basically means we aren’t making finished drafts here, and you don’t have to be an artist or writer to participate. The newsletter will include a character doodle, and a prompt for a quick 100-200 word story.
Who am I?
I’m Kirk Reedstrom, an author/illustrator living in Shreveport, Louisiana. I make characters with a lot of heart and a little bit of mayhem. My comics zines have been featured in Salon, Relief Journal, The Quaranzine, and All Things Considered, and my art has been shown in Shreveport, Houston, Boston, and Los Angeles. I’m also an active member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, trained as a Primetime Storyteller with the Louisiana Department of Humanities, and I’m represented by Ana Crespo at East West Literary Agency. Duck and Moose, my debut early reader graphic novel series, was published by Disney-Hyperion in March of 2024.
You can find me online at or on Twitter and Instagram.